This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Saturday, February 27, 1982

February 27, 1982

Dear Betsy,
I have a few moments to write you.  Sandy is busy studying Health for school.  Her tutor will be here again on Tuesday.  I need to wash my hair tonight.  Sandy is eating well and gaining.  She looks really good.  She loves ice cream and donuts, etc.  She wieghts between 110-115#.   Tomorrow we are going to church.  Sacrament is at 9:30 am.  It is really warm here today.  Feels like spring but it is to turn cold tomorrow.  We like our apartment.  It is small but we manage OK.
Have you moved yet?  I hope so.  Moving is a hard job.  When do you start work at McDonalds?  That will be nice for you.  Sandy may join Rainbow Girls here.  Is it warm in Virginia?  Your school grades are very good.  I am proud of you.  Keep up the good work.  I need to go to the store for groceries and some rubber gloves.
Well, I will close.  Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.  I wish we could see each other.  Take care, honey.  Remember, I love you very much.  Write soon.

All my love,

PS:  What do you want for your birthday?

Monday, February 22, 1982

February 22, 1982

Dear Betsy,
I was happy to recieve your letter and 2 pretty cards.  Thank you for the poem and napkins.
Last night we had Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Ida over for a small home dinner.  It is the first I ever cooked a meal for anyone in two years.
It is cold and damp here.  Sandy goes to Dr. Multani today.  It is a long drive there.
I am proud of your school grades.  Keep up the good work.  I am reading a good book called "A Perfect Stranger."   I usually don't read love stories but this is really good.
What color is dress you made?
I need to sew some more.  I have lots of mending.  Do you have all my tircot material & elastic, etc. (lace) to make lingerie?  I wish you could send it for me.  I could some things for all of us.
Well, I will close as this should get in today's mail.  Write me soon.  Send your new address.  I love and miss you.

All my love,
Your mom

February 22, 1982 from Sandy

Dear Betsy,
Hi!  How was your reception?
I heard you made your dress.  Was it difficult?  What color was it?
What is this I hear about an autograph book?  That was very nice of you.  Beth Ann write me a letter, I am suppose to send it to you my letter for her.  What is Clair's last name.  I'm sending you her letter.
Beth Ann thinks I'm coming back, tell her that I'm not.  Mr. McFaden is so nice.  I heard he was worried about me, tell him I'm doing better.  I got my tutor, she's really nice.  She comes Tuesday and Thursday.  Her name is Sue.  She'll stay about 2 1/2 hours.  For every hour she is here I get 2 hours of homework.  That's 10 hours a week.  Mom thinks your grades are really good and so do I!
We are having Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Ida over for supper tonight.  We are serving ham, green beans, potatoes, and carrot cake.  It all looks good.
Well, better close.  I'll write a longer letter later.  Tell Kristie that her letter is coming.  Better go.  Miss you.

Love and hugs,

PS:  I love living with mom.