This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Thursday, December 5, 1985

December 5, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I thought I'd send your card early so you put it up and think of me.  Thank you for your letter.    I love hearing from you.  Your cocktail party sounds nice.  I hope you enjoy it.  I will be mailing your Christmas package soon by UPS.
We may be moving to low income housing soon.  I cleaned for 3 days and the lady didn't come.  Bob is now in Toledo Hospital.  His one and only leg and foot really swelled.  He was on Prednisone 60 mgm.  They reduced it to Prednisone 10 mgm.  He had lots of diaretics.  His blood pressure was up also.
I am having trouble with one leg.  It is so hot and sore.  I can't stand it or sleep at night.  My cat is growing and lots of fun.  She sleeps a lot and eats good.  He cold is better.  She was really sick and had 4 shots and pills.  I am also having trouble with my stomach.  I hope it is better soon or I'll have another ulcer.
Today we got 1 1/2 inches of snow but it won't last.  I went to the bank and store while it snowed.  It was slippery.  When are you going to come see me?  I miss you.  I will move soon if we get the apartment.  It is a long ways from here.
The Prednisone made Bob feel better.  Now, he is grumpy and feels bad.  I hope he is better soon.  Your dad's cousin, Larry's wife, Janie is an RN and she took care of Bob one day.  She is really nice.
I really loved the Thanksgiving card.  I saved it in my memory box.  Sandy wrote that your dad and Alison may go to Switzerland for 2 days.  Lucky them!  How is Kirstie?  Is she still depressed because she is grounded?
Well, I will close so I can mail this for you.  I have little news.  Remember I love you so very much.  I miss you.  Write me again real soon.  I play Christmas records every day.

All my love,

Sunday, November 24, 1985

November 24, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Thank you so much for the lovely Thanksgiving card.  That was so nice and thoughtful of you.
I can't get out because it is so cold.  My feet get so sore.  Plus I have hypothermia.  My temp was 94 yesterday.  So I hope it warms up.  I asked a friend to come over tomorrow for coffee and visit.  Bob has to go to the doctor at 1:30.
Pur kitten, Kelly, is 12 weeks and growing.  She is very good.  She eats well but has a cold.  So somehow I got to get her to the vet for medicine.  She is really pretty.
Are you going to your Dad's for Thanksgiving?  I imagine Bob and I will be alone.  I have watched TV all day.  I couldn't go to church.
November 26
Well, I never got the letter finished.  Our kitten got really sick with croup, etc. and we gave her a 1/4 aspirin and she is feeling better but goes to the vet at 4:30.  We really love her.  Bob's church gave us frozen 11 1/2# turkey and pumpkin pie.  That was nice of them.  I am making meatball stroganoff tonight in the crockpot.  It was a lot of work plus I made a mincemeat pie.
Grandpa is 68 years today and has big Eastern Star things to do so they are not going out to eat.  They are taking Aunt Ida out on Thanksgiving.  It is 50 degrees today and I hope it stays there.  My feet do better and so does my temperature.  So are you coming for Christmas?  I'd love to see you again.  It has been a long time.  Bob really likes you.  We were so glad to get your card.  I get so upset at holidays without my daughters.  So how is work going?  I hope well.  Are you having a lot of rain?  We sure are.  A friend from church is taking me to the vet.  I can't drive very well with a kitten.  I am so afraid she'll get loose.  I plan to get some pictures of her.  We have to get her declawed soon.
Well, I am out of news.  Grandma and Grandpa are so busy with Eastern Stars.  Grandpa is in a lot of pain with his jaw.  Bob saw the doctor yesterday and is doing pretty good.  He has to see a dermatologist for his leg.  He is tired today.
Well, honey I must close.  I miss you so much and I love you dearly.

All my love,

Tuesday, November 12, 1985

November 12, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I am sorry I haven't written.  Bob is still in the hospital but should come home maybe tomorrow.  He has inflammation arteries and kidney damage.  He is going to have to be on large doses of cortisone.  His blood pressure medicine had to be increased.  They did a biopsy of the area on the temple of his face by his ear and we should have the results today.
I got up early today because  I had the Salvation Army come and get lots of things.  I then was tired of fell asleep from 11 am to 2:15 pm.  I went to the bank and now I am enjoying a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts.  I hope to see Bob tonight.  It is lonely for us both.  I think I will get some embroidery thread on the way home.  I have been knitting.  I made myself a blue hat and am working on a scarf to match.  It passes time.  I would love to make Bob a sweater.  It would be a hard job.  Grandma wants me to make her a vest and sweater.  I have the yarn.  I bought it years ago.
So how is your eye?  Is it any better?  I hope so.  Are you still on steroids?  I wrote Kirstie a letter.  She never writes me and I feel badly about it.
Grandpa took me to see Bob 2x.  I used handicapped services 2x and friends the rest of the time.
It has been raining and cold here for days.  I had to turn on the bedroom heat last night.  I stay up until 1 am  every night and watch TV.  I play my violin every day.
I missed yesterday.  Going to the hospital every day tires me out.  I smuggle Bob a beer.  He loves beer and misses it.
I get so itred of eating alone.  Bob is eating well at the hospital.  He is so tired and they don't let him rest.  I had to soak my feet in cold Betadine water last night.  I go to a doctor for my feet on the 21st and my own doctor in December.
The church is helping us with food and it helps.  Tomorrow is the day for the food truck.  I am eating more.  I lost 3 1/2# in a month.  My blood work was tested and my thyroid was high so I had to cut down a 1/2 grain like I was on for so long.  I am not as nervous.  I have to start taking Tagament because my supper doesn't agree with me.  I eat a lot.  I still love salads.
I hope you are doing okay.  I love to hear from you.  Are you coming for the holidays?  The airlines have reduced their fares.
Sandy probably has lots of snow.  She wrote me a week ago.  What do you want for Christmas?  I'd love to make you something but I haven't got much time before Christmas is here.
Well, I am out of news.  I will close.  Write or call me soon.  I love to hear from you.  Remember, I love you dearly and miss you so much.  It seems ages since I saw you.  Write or call when cheap time.  I love you.

All my love,

Saturday, October 5, 1985

October 5, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Well, I just called you and he said you had just left for a wedding.  I hope you are felling Ok.  Did your asthma attack get better?  I was lonely so I looked up your phone number, but you were gone.  What is Sandy's phone number?
Sally Mower sent a letter yesterday.  She and Mike are separated.  Ginny and Mike moved into an apartment but Ginny got married in a garden wedding.  Now, she is in Chicago.  Sally sounds disappointed.  She is going to school in Ridgecrest.  Ginny lives in Ridgecrest not Chicago.  Do you go to church, Betsy?  I plan to start going every Sunday at 11 am.  We go back to that time.  I dread winter and snow with the car.  It is hard on my feet plus I get hypothermia so badly.
I just took a short walk in the mall.  I need the exercise.  I am gaining weight and up to 122# from 116#.  I am on Premoin and it gains weight on me.  I can use it but it is all in the waist and belly.  I am in the menopause - oh happy day.  I have a terrible time sleeping and then I don't get up in the morning.  Tomorrow, Robin is coming to clean at long last.  It costs a lot but I need it down for me.  Last night I finally put the heat on.  Is it cold in Virginia?  It was 56 degrees here today and the sun just came out.
I read the BOM and listen to Mormon Tabernacle Choir on records.  I read when I can.  Bob sleeps a lot.  He went to American Legion Thursday and coming out his w/c tipped him over on cement.  He has a sore side and back.  I took him to the doctor yesterday.  He did nothing. Bob has elevated liver test, cholesterol and blood sugar.
Well, I don't have much news.  I hope you are better.  Write me soon or call me.  I love to hear from you.  Remember I love you so much.  I miss you.  I haven't seen you for ages.  Come see us.  I love you.

All my love,

I am proud of you and your Rainbow things.  You make me very happy.  I love you.

Friday, September 27, 1985

September 27, 1985

Dear Betsy,
It has been so long since I got a letter from you.  I miss you.  How are you doing?  How is work going?  Sandy sent me a letter and card last week.  She sounds happy.  What do you think about the 2 Mexican earthquakes and hurricane Gloria?  What is the country coming to?  How are you doing with the boy friends?  Who are you dating?
Bob has a lot of head and jaw pain.  He sleeps a lot but is a lot of company to me.  Grandpa is in a lot of pain and takes medicine for his face.  He sleeps a lot in the afternoon, too.  Grandma is retired but keeps very busy.  They are all moved to the new location.  Did I tell you Ricky and Shelly were here for a week?  Really cute kids.  They are a lot of fun.
Ricky talks just like Uncle Dick.  He reminds me so much of Uncle Dick.  They drove here and back.  On the way back they stopped in Tennessee to pick up David at a golf tournament.  (I can't write very well).
When are you ever going to come and see us?  I had a good time with you last year.  I imagine you won't get any time off now until next year?
The Bishop came to see me this morning.  He had the new issue of the Ensign.  He read part of it to me.  I haven't been to the Mormon church in ages.  It was so hot.  It changes time on the 13 to the morning hours.  Do you go to church?
Are you still going to school?  I imagine you are very busy.  I just heard on the radio that the Hurricane Gloria hit New York.  I hope you don't get bad weather.  How far are you from New York?
My ankles are swollen.  I have to go to the store and bank this afternoon.  It looks like rain outside and it's 55 degrees.  I get my eyes examined on Friday.  I go to my doctor this past week and he changed my circulation pill.  I still have to soak my feet.
Well, I guess I am out of news.  I hope you are happy and well.  Write me please or call me.  I love you, Betsy.  I miss you.

All my love,

Thursday, August 22, 1985

August 22, 1985

Dear Betsy,
How are you doing?  I hope all is well and you are happy.  It is a nice day here.  I get up early and go to bed early.  I have a hard time sleeping.  My right hip is an open sore and it really hurts.  I am on Penacillin and I hope it improves.
Bob has not been well.   He is a little better today but still sleeps a lot and has a pain in his head.  He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I have to take him.
So how was your time at the beach?  I hope you had a lot of fun.  I bet you are really tan.  I would be a mess plus freckles.  Be glad you got that from your father.
I am going to a baby shower tonight at the church.  I hope I meet women.  I get so lonely and never go anywhere it seems.  I was going out for a salad bar but haven't for over a week.
Grandma and Grandpa are moved but they say they have a real mess.  They sold a lot of furniture and it was so pretty.  They eat out a lot since they moved.  I just talked to them and Sandy called them.  She is lonesome.  It must be hard when everyone is gone on break.  She has never called them before.
Well, I am out of news.  Hope you are well.  Remember, I love you very much.  I miss you.  Write me.

All my love,

Friday, August 2, 1985

August 2, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Sandy sent me your address.  I hope you are well and happy.  I miss your not writing or calling.  Are you still going to school?
I get up early now and eat.  Bob sleeps a lot.  It must be his medicines.  He is awake late at night.  I go to sleep around 11:30 pm.  I still drink a couple cups of coffee each day.
I think I will take up sewing again and maybe play the violin.
I had to take all my things from Grandma's and Grandpa's attic to storage yesterday.  What a mess.  I sure gave up a lot for garage sale.  If and when you get married I'll have dishes and glasses for you.  No hurry.  I even saved you booster chair for me as a grandmother.
I am reading a good book by Danielle Steel which belongs to Grandma.
It is cool in the mornings here.  By the afternoon it is in the eighty's.  I like 60-75 degree for my feet.
So what are you?  So you moved?  Are you living alone or what?  Do you have an apartment?  I am playing cassettes on my little player I like them.  One is Pat Boone's.  It is a religious tape.
I want to start a Bible study in my apartment and I  am going to put up notices on bulletin boards at stores.  I made nine 3x5 cards and hope I get some response.
Shelly and Ricky are helping Grandma and Grandpa move.  Oh, what a mess they.  They are moving to a new pretty condo.  I hope they like it.  It is a lot smaller than the big house.  My storage will cost $20 a month.  I want to move some things there from this basement.
Well, my pen doesn't like this side of paper.  Please remember I love you.  I am so worried about you.  I hope you are all right.  Please write or call.  I want to hear from you.

All my love,

Thursday, July 25, 1985

July 25, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I haven't heard from you for so long.  Did I do something wrong?  Please write me.  Hav eyou taken vacation yet?  Have you been to the beach yet?
It is in the high 80s so I have been in the apartment most all the time.  Jeanette is coming over tonight to do my hair.  It is so dirty.  All of a sudden it gets dirty.  It is still short but growing.
I go to bed around 10-10:30 pm so I can sleep with my medicines.  I need to be off my feet for 12-14 hours a night.  That is hard to do.
I have been reading a lot.  I just got done with one book.  Today I read a religious book and the Bible.  I haven't been to church in ages.  It is so hot.
I did laundry all day today and it is up and down the stairs for everything so my legs are tired and my feet burn.  I have had a lot of problems with my legs and feet.  I had to soak them twice in a day a few days ago.
Bob is resting now.  We will eat pretty soon.  bob made coleslaw today and it is always good.  I am going to fry some zucchini.  It is really good.
I called in 2 perscriptions for refill.  They cost $80 at Lanes.  Ii don't know where I'll get the money.  We are broke.  We need low income housing.  We can't affort to live here.  The lists for housing are so long.  It may take a year or more before we can move.
So how are you Betsy?  I hope and pray you are well.
I just cut my hand on something .  I got my last load of laundry up.  I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and miss you.  Please remember I love you and always will.

All my love,

Saturday, July 13, 1985

July 13, 1985

Dear Betsy,
So what are you doing lately.  I wish you would write or call.  I miss you a lot.  How is work going?  Did you go to the beach yet?  Why haven't you written?  Did I say something wrong?  I worry about you.
I am making tuna fish salad for supper.  I hope it is good.  I have been having lots of trouble with my legs and feet.  I quit exercising on the bike and walking in the mall.  For one thing, it is too hot.  It cool for my feet (excuse the writing but I am lying on the sofa).
I have been reading a lot.  I read Hospital Nurse which was very good.  Now I am reading a biography called Emma Hale Smith.   The book is all about Joseph Smith's wife (Emma).  It is really very interesting.  I didn't go to church today.  It was raining.  Now, the sun is out.  I didn't get up until 12 noon.  I didn't sleep all fo the but I didn't care.  I just didn't care to get up.  I cried all last night.  I was drinking coffee but I got too nervous so I quit.  Then I am drpressed and hungry.  I cut my thyroid down a 1/2 grain.  I'll probably get fat.  I do a lot of arm lifts and some sit ups.
Do you still go to Rainbows?  I will get my 25 year pin in Eastern Stars next year.  That is a long time.
Do you have a summer tan?  How is work going?  How is Kirstie?  I hear she has Sandy's former job.  Doe she like it?  Are you still doing word processing?  Are you dating?  I wish I would hear from you - I am up at cheaper times.  I never know when to call you.  Have you heard from Sandy?  She called collect the other night.  I hadn't heard from her.  I called Kirstie last week and she was gone.  Your dad talked to me for 20 minutes.  He never mentioned you.
Well, I will close.  I am hungry and Bob is sleeping.  He sleeps days a lot.  He hasn't even had his pills yet and its 4 pm.  My face is sore on one side where I slept.  I had my hair done.  It is short and I wish it were longer.  The person who cut it when I had the person cut it twice after is was permed.  So she cut most of my perm off and made me mad.  It is still curly.
Grandma and Grandpa are in the process of moving.   I think they are going to be depressed after living in that big house.  I have to get ride of my dishes, silver and glasses.  I wish you were getting married.  Then I'd fill up your hope chest.
Remember I love you.  Please let me hear from you.  I  miss you.

All my love,

Saturday, June 22, 1985

June 22, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Tomorrow Bob and I will have been married one year.  We are at Wendy's now.  We went to the Victoria Station last night for dinner.  We are getting along well now.  I have really been able to cut down on my medicines.  I take more vitamins and eat well.  I have gained wieght.  I walk every day and exercise.  I was walking in the mall on the 18th and I ran into Sandy.  We hugged, etc.  I couldn't believe it.  Her Bishop dropped her off at our apartment for 40 minutes but I was gone.  So she walked to the mall and found me.  We got lemonade and then she bought a white tank top for $5.  I met the Bishop and his family.  That was sure nice of them.  I loved seeing her.  She was surprised also.  She said you were doing good.   She said you were having trouble with your roommates.  She say you only eat 3 candy bars a day and are thing but still pretty.
Our temp was 80 degrees today.  Very breezy.  Bob is going to make bean soup tomorrow.  It's always good.  I love it.
I have Rafeenie perfume and powder.  I love it.  Bob got me some for Mother's day.  It seems like ages since I heard from you.  I wish you would write me.  It seems like ages since I heard from you.  I wish you would write me.  I save all your letters.  I miss you.  When are you coming this summer?
How are all your boy friends?  Sandy said you were playing tennis with a real wealthy man and you'd marry him in a minute.
I have to go to grocery store at Krogers.  I hate that.  I like Churchills but we need a few things.

Sunday, June 23, 1985
Well, I will go to church this afternoon at 2:30.  It is already 2:00.  Sandy called collect last night.  She sounds good but busy.  She likes her roommate a lot.  No caffeine anywhere and she is out of money.  She says she has to have a diet coke.  So she goes somewhere to buy one.  I was glad to hear from her.  She is in class already.
Did I tell you I joined a health spa?  (21 Century).  I ride the bike 25 minutes but not much on the treadmill.  I do lots of exercises.  It is hard on my feet.  They swell and get red.  I may quit by doctor's excuse.  It is a lot of money.  I walk in the mall and do lots of exercise here.  I am writing this laying so excus the scribbling.

Church was good.  It was full.  The Bishop spoke and so did his son.  Then I went to the grocery store and came home.  We ate Bob's 3 bean soup.  It was good.  Then I went down to the basement and on the other side is Bob's furniture, etc.  I used his rowing machine.  Then I spotted a stationary bicycle, for 5 minutes I rode it.  I was tired.  I don't know who owns the bike but I think I will use it anyhow.  The mall closed at 6 pm so I couldn't walk around.
Well, I have no more news for now.  Take care of yourself and remember how much I love you.  Write soon.  I miss not hearing from you.

I love you,

Monday, June 10, 1985

June 10, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Today is a blue rainy Monday I am at Ponderosa eating soup & salad.  Grandma said you are too thin.  Why did you lose weight?  I hope you are well.  I have been on my feet a lot more.  I walk the mall.  Then I go to bed and wake up 2 hours later.  I went and got coffee and donuts last night for Bob and me.  I stayed awake and then went to bed.
Bob and I live together but I am not happy.  I hold back the tears.  His language is awful and he is mean and crude.  I don't know what to do.  I see my psychiatrist this week.  I hope he helps me.  Bob is a good person.  He is up all night and sometimes days and some days (most) he sleeps so he is little company for me.  He was like this before but he changed but fooled me.  If I divorce him, I have no hospitalization or drug or doctor coverage.  If we separate I do but I want to be free of him.  I wouldn't if we separate.  He really likes you and is worried for you are too thin.  I wish you would come for a visit soon.  I miss you a lot.  You are good for me.  When are your vacation times?  Sandy had a good time here.  She look so pretty in your dress.  I finally got our wedding pictures developed and I'll get a copy of the best one for you.
I have little news.  I got part of your Christmas present.  I spent a lot of money at the mall walking around.  I will go when I finish letter and walk.  Then I'll do exercises (rocks) and go to bed early.  Bob could care less what I do.
I really enjoy and appreciate your letters.  I know you are thinking of me.  I wish we had more memories.  Oh, Grandma and Grandpa sold their house.  Now they need to buy a condominium.  They are so busy but enjoying their short trip to Virginia.  They had a good time with all of you.
Well, I will close and go to the mall and walk.  Take care.  WRITE!  Remember I love you so very much & miss you.

All my love,

Monday, May 27, 1985

May 27, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Things are better between Bob and me.  He still sleeps a lot but he needs it.  I drive to the mall most mornings and walk all over and go in stores.  It is bard when it is so hot.  I go in the mroning.  My ankles swell but I get bored here all day long.  Time drags.  I blew Sandy's prom pictures but Nancy got good ones.  I send you our favorite wedding picture next letter.
I bought myself a brown miniture Bible and Triple and a small hymnal.  I also got a purse so I can carry them when I get to the mall because I drink Friendly's good coffee.  I weight 120# probably more by now.  I eat so little I don't know where it comes from.  I like my short hair. It is a shock to lots of people.  I need to wash and blow dry it.  Bob needs a hair cut very badly.
So how is life with you.  Are you will so busy.  I love to hear from you.  When are you coming to Toledo?  How will you come?  How is the truck?  Do you still use it every day?  How is your love life?  Gee, I am out of news.  I may go out for eggs and toast and sourdough for 95 cents (2 eggs, 2 toast, plus coffee).  It does me good and I like it.  I was going to go with a friend but it is really wet outside.  Plus, it is turning cool again but hard rain.  Excuse my scribbling.  It is hard to write laying on the sofa.
Remember I love you and miss you so very much.  I hope you come soon.  Bob likes you a lot.  WRITE.

All my love,

Wednesday, May 22, 1985

May 22, 1985

Dear Betsy,
How are you doing?  Bob and I are trying to patch things up.  I have to pay bills today and I hate it.  We don't have the money like I wish.  I have to balance the account first.  My legs are hot today.  When do you think you'll come in June?  Sandy leaves soon for BYU.  How is your college?  I walk 2 x a day when cool outside for exercise.  It should help me.  I walked last summer.  I also exercise 2 x a day.  I can't do much.  In June I start to swim with the handicapped society at the YMCA on East side.  They pick me up.  I hope I can do it.  It would be so good for me and fun.
I have film to be developed with our wedding pictures and Sandy's prom.  She looked so pretty in your dress.  I am glad you let her wear it.  I pressed it.  Then she didn't have a long slip but Nancy came to the rescue.  I got her flowers.  
Oh, I got a new red dress for Penecost Sunday when you are supposed to wear red.  It has white lace on the collar with a v neck.  It is long and flared skirt.  The top of the dress is blossy.  You'd like it.  I have had a dress since you helped me pick out my wedding dress in teal blue.  I really like that dress and my pearls.  Did I ever tell you Bob bought me a 14K gold cross and chain.  Plus he bought me new wedding and engagement rings.  They are pretty.
I know Bob loves me.  He is a sick man and stays up late at night.  He sleeps late so I am lonely a lot.  I go to 2 doctors this week.  One tomorrow and one the next day.  I drink ice tea now.  It is a novelty for me.
Well, I must close.  Out of news.  Thanks for calling me.  I love you so very much.  I miss you.

All my love,

Monday, May 20, 1985

May 20, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Sandy arrived Friday and I pressed your dress.  She looked so pretty.  She forgot her flowers. They were so pretty and she wore them on her wrist.  I really didn't see much of her.  Just before she went to the airport (she was gone) Bob beat me and I am mean and cruel.  Don't show this letter to anyone.  Burn it.  I am at Sour Dough Charlies for 2 eggs and 2 toast and coffee with cream.  Sandy didn't even go to church with me.  When are you coming for a visit? I may leave by then and live somewhere else.  Bob seems to think he can sleep and wake up and all is forgotten.  I pout for ever.  His language is awful and he is so crude to say the least.  I don't want any other divorces but I can't live this way.  So maybe a legal separation.  I'll have no insurance so I don't know what to do.  I wish I could talk to you.  I feel like calling mom and asking her to talk with me.
So how are you?  You sound so good on the phone.  Thank you for calling.  Bob likes you.  He has a violent temper.  Don't worry about the time you call.  I can always wake up.  I just had 3 1/2 cups of coffee and it is good.  I know when I go to the doctor he will say no coffee.  Well, I should close and go home and work there in the kitchen.  Remember I love you so much.

All my love,

Thursday, May 16, 1985

May 16, 1985

Dear Betsy,
It was so good to talk to you Tuesday.  I stayed awake.  That time you called and went to sleep on the phone.  I must have had a low body temperature because I don't even remember. I don't go to sleep for long time a night but have to stay off my feet.
So when are you coming to see me and Bob?  It has almost been one year.  We did have a good time.  I want to get my film developed so I can get our wedding pictures for you to keep.  We have been married almost one year (June 23).  We were married May 4, 1982 the 1st time.  Bob still sleeps during the day.  He got me a beautiful gold Rafenice spray and real perfume.  It was a special price.  It still cost a lot.  I keep having hot flashes.  They are terrible.  I take Premarin but it must not be enought.  I want a red dress and I ordered one and it didn't fit.  I hope Sandy has a really good time.  I sure was worried she wasnt' going to make it.  It is really nice of you to take her to the airport.  I really appreciate it and I know Sandy does.  Last night Bob and I went our for dinner.  I got a Harvey Wallbanger.  It was good.  Bob had wine.  That drink to set my spinning and it never phased me.  I guess I'll go back to scotch and H2O or whiskey sour.  I drink a lot of ice tea.  It is much cooler today but supposed to rain.   I love it in the 60's for my feet.  These days are rare.  It has really been too hot.  No spring at all.  I love spring and fall.  I can do so much more.  Robin is coming today to do laundry and clean tomorrow.  Bob is getting a hair cut.  He looks like a shaggy dog.  My hair so really short and it needs washing but I am afriad to wash it.
I never used a curling iron before.  I had it a whole year already.
Well, I hope you come soon.  I am anxious to see you.  So is Bob.  So you are going to the beach and have a condo?  Neat!  So how is school?  It is hard to work and go to school at night.  Do you have a boy friend?  What about Brian?
Well, I will close now.  Write me soon.  Remember I love you dearly and miss you.  I am so glad you called.  Take care.  I love  you.

All my love,

Friday, April 26, 1985

April 26, 1985

Dear Betsy,
When I opened my door this morning I was thrilled to find a package from you.  I love the baby dolls and gown and robe, too.  I go to the doctor this afternoon but have some errands.  It is 75 degrees out better than 89 like last week.  It was so nice and thought of you to get some pretty things for me.  I really love them.  You know Grandma never said a word about my bikinis I bought when you were here last June.  When are you going to come again?  We had so much fun.  How is work going?  Do you keep busy?  How is your love life?  Aunt Ida is planning to come over today but she had better hurry.  Bob went to the doctor also.  He should be back soon.
We got bananas and strawberries yesterday and they were sure good on my cereal.  Yummy.  I have gained weight.  I needed it.  I was skinny.  I want to go swimming to get some exercise. I may go soon.  My hair is really long and think.  I need a head band for it to keep it out of my face.  It is wavy and coarse - hard to handle but I get too cold with short hair.  Plus Bob doesn't like short hair.  Is your hair long?  It is so pretty.
I loved the Easter card and put it on the TV for all to see.  Grandpa goes to the special neurologist Monday for his pain.  He is miserable with it.
I have errands to run before my doctor's appointment.  Aunt Ida was just here.  She took a jump suit Sandy bought and changed her mind.
This is close to the end of the month and we are poor.  I will stop and get some headbands and coffee (free) at Churchill's.  I am having trouble sleeping lately.
It is now 80 degrees and I went to Ponderosa for a big salad and fruit.  It was very good.  I hope we don't have a long hot summer.  Last night was cool and good for sleeping.  Did I tell you I lost a small diamond in my engagement ring?  It is replacable free.  I miss wearing it.
Well, I will close.  Remember I love you.  Thank you for the presents.

All my love,

Wednesday, April 17, 1985

April 17, 1985

Dear Betsy,
Well, I wrote Kirstie a little while ago, and now I am at the Pancake house for coffee and wanted to write you.  It was such nice weather yesterday.  We went to the bank early and out for breakfast.  I then got 3 pair of new thongs.  It was the 1st Bob had been out.  Then we went to Bill Knapps for supper and I had my chef salad and ice tea.  Then we got ice cream.
It was so nice and warm out and today is chilly.  Your grandparents have colds.  I made appy cake tonight and it should be good.  I love it.  I am gaining weight but I need it.
I think Sandy had a good time.  She was really busy etc.  She has been invited to a Prom here and I hope she can make it.  When are you got to get vacation and visit me and Bob.  We'd love to have you.  We had such a nice visit last June.  I will always remember it.  Bob and I will be married for over a year June 23.  Hard to believe.  I go to the Mormon church now and they are good to me.
How is your college coming along?  How many hours do you take?  Was it English?  How is work?  How is the boy friend situation?  What about David?  Do you still date him?  Are you still friends?  Sandy has a day of snow while she was here.  Really rare.  I lost a diamond out of my wedding band but it is guaranteed so Bob will have to return it for repair.
My heels are peeling and look aweful.  I have such ugly feet.  I was on them too much yesterday.  Tomorrow I have to be there.  They are installing an intercome and buzzer system in each apartment.  That should be fun.  I will make oatmeal for breakfast.  I am happy for it.  Well, I miss you.  Remember, I love you dearly.

All my love,

Sunday, March 31, 1985

March 31, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I am at Friendly's drinking coffee.  It is 53 degrees and raining.  Tomorrow is to be a high of 30-35 degrees and snow.  I hope it is gone before Sandy comes.  When are you going to come?  I miss you.  My right hip bone and ankle bone have a bad sore on each.  I am on antibiotics now.  I guess I will have to sleep on my other side.  I found a prayer of love…

God is never beyond our reach
He only's a prayer away
Trust Him always, look to His love
He's watching and waiting today.

When trouble comes and things go wrong
And you've reached the end of your road,
Just tie a knot and hang on tight
Look to God for Him there's hope.

When ski's above seem dark and gray
And clouds hold promise of rain
Count your blessings, trust in the Lord
Soon the sun will shine forth.

When day is done and shadows fall
And the night seems dark and long
Worry not then a child of God
Sleep, for soon cometh the dawn.

His love endures forever more
There never was such a friend
Thus He stands so eager to help
With courage right to the end

No, God's never beyond our reach
He's only a prayer away,
Trust Him always, look to His love
He's watching and waiting today.

So how is work?  Are you busy all day long?  What do you do with your evenings and weekends?  I love to hear from you.  I don't have much to write about.  Bob is doing better. I may get my very long hair cut short but I hate to.  It is so coarse and think.
I wish you could see my new wedding rings.  They are so pretty.  I wear my gold band also.
Well, I hope you have a nice Easter.  Will you go to church with someone?  Remember I miss you and love you dearly.

All my love,

Monday, March 25, 1985

March 25, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I just came from the GYN doctor.  He increased my Estrogen to double it.  I hate pelvic exams.  Now, I am at Fisches Big Boy for soup and salad bar and coffee.  It is so good.  I got this care for free from Current stationary.  It made me think of you.
I hope you are feeling better and sleeping at night.  I have trouble sleeping also.  Soon Sandy will be here.  When are you coming?  When is your vacation?  I'd love to see you.  You are always welcome.
Our weather is warmer today and sunny.  Oh, I have lost 6# without knowing it.  So I guess I'll get to making milk shakes or something.  I don't know how I lost so much.  I asked the nurse if the scale was right and she said yes.
I don't think I'll keep going to the Mormon church.  I don't know what I'll do for Easter.  I may go Baptist or Episcopal depending on our weather.  The Episcopal church has been supplying us iwth meals for over a week.  It is really nice of them.
Bob is home sleeping.  I got to go home and make supper for him. I got him 2 apple sticks for breakfast tomorrow.
I have been doing pelvic rocks the past two days and my abdomen hurts to say the least.  My appetite is good.  I should be gaining weight and not losing.  I only weight #112.
Well, I hope things are better for you in all matters.  How is David?  What about Greg?  What happened with the others your wrote about?
Well, I must close.  Please write me and get will for your mom.  I love you so much and MISS YOU.

All my love,

Saturday, March 16, 1985

March 16, 1985

Dear Betsy,
It is really good to have a lovely daughter like you.  I am so proud of you.  I remember when you were a little baby and now you are grown.  I missed those five years so much.  I wish we could have another visit like we last did.  I hope this card arrives on time.  Buy yourself something to remember me when you see it.  I hope you have a very nice day and many more to come.  I really do love you and miss you.

Love always,

Happy Birthday to a wonderful daughter who is lovelier every year…
and even more dear.  Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 16, 1985

January 16, 1985

Dear Betsy,
I was so thrilled to get your phone call on Sunday.  It was great.  I really did miss you.  Bob said I have much more happiness since you called.  Did you get my letter yet and have your mailed all of yours to me?  So you have a secret admirer?  Must be nice to get flowers.  I remember the teen and early 20 years.  You sound like you are enjoying them.  So what about Raleigh?  That was Bob's Father's name.  Bob fell yesterday and aches a lot today.  He stays up at night and sleeps days and lots of the evenings.  Today I made chili.  It takes a lot of time.  I made apple pudding a few days ago and Bob ate it all.  I think he is gaining weight.  I wake up early and put coffee on and then I put in the bedroom and drink it as I read, etc. I have to sleep with the cradle on.  I get such hot feet and legs and knees at night.  I still have to take lots of medicine.  I sit in a chair every day with my legs up.  Before hed I have to soak my feet in cold water and put on lots of cream on my feet.
Tomorrow I am getting my hair trimmed.  Jeanette is 23 and will come here to do it.  She has been a real friend.  She gave me $20 for Christmas.   She goes to Bethel Baptist church and her mom is a couple years older than me and a good Christian friend.  Jeanette works as a beautician in a shop and on the side.  Plus she works at Friendly's Ice cream parlor.  She is very busy.  I have to wash  my hair before she comes.  She'll cut it wet.
Last night a friend called from the Mormon church and came and went to the grocery store for me.  We get $30 from Bob's church and she used that.  It still costs me $12  more.  I still have another store to have someone shop at tomorrow for Bob's beer and wine and other things.  We can barely afford anything.
Grandma was really upsetting to me on the phone and she hasn't called.  I did nothing wrong. She said I shouldn't have married Bob and we live in a dump.  It really hurt me.  I can't help it we are poor.  Grandpa has painful neurolgia and has to take medicine so Aunt Ida says.  They haven't called.  I guess I should.  
It is really cold here.  We are to get snow now and during the night.
Well, I am out of any good news. Please keep in touch with me.  I miss you.  Remember I love you with all my heart.
Take care and write,
All my love,