This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Friday, December 25, 1987

December 25, 1987

Dear Betsy,
I hope you have a lovely Christmas.  I don't know what I am doing.  A lot depends on the weather.  I got yours and Kirstie's alike because I thought you were going to elsewhere but really I like what they say.
I have been wrapping presents and I have to get my dad to send the packages.  I hope yours makes it in time.  I think Markel looks like you did when you were small.  I told your dad that she is beautiful and perfect.  I hope they have a good Christmas.
Well, I have little news.  I love you dearly.  I miss you too.  I wish we could be together for the Holidays.

I love you,
All my love,

My Dearest Betsy,
The happiest of memories
The nicest to recall,
Are all the Christmases we shared
When you were very small…
And even though you've grown up now
And time has changed some things,
The years can never change the love
This special greeting brings.

Have a Wonderful Christmas
I love you honey!
All my love,

Saturday, December 12, 1987

December 12, 1987

Dear Betsy,
I got your letter yesterday.  So you and Kermon are through.  I hope your new place is nice.  I need your address and phone number.  Where shall I send your and Kirstie's Christmas presents?  I have no idea where Kirstie lives.  I need to write her and I have Christmas cards for you both.
Betsy, I have been really sick.  My ulcer is very bad and I have been too sick to do anything.  The doctor put me on Zantac and Carafate.  I was so weak.  I am better today but I am on a very bland diet and I can't eat much at one time.  Not even a salad.  I don't miss it because I know how sick it would make me.
I drink antacid every 2 hours while I am awake.  I had a lot of pain and vomiting of pure acid. These 2 medicines are so helpful.  Two days ago I could do nothing and so weak.  I have to take iron again.  I have lost a few pounds.  I think that is an improvement.  I was up to 127# and all my belly.
What started the ulcer up again was the new back pills like Motrin and those.  It is disalsid and isn't supposed to cause stomach problems.  I have to take it so I have to keep the ulcer under control.  I have had three bad previous ones that bleed so I know I can't eat chill or taco salad anymore.
I get Markel a darling cloth doll for ages up to 2 years.  It is cute and colorful.  Next year will be lots of fun buying for her.  What did you get her?  She is so young for much.  My parents got her a teddy bear which says "My First Teddy."
Our weather is cold and windy now.  This time of year I get depressed.  I can't go anywhere and I miss parties, dancing, etc.  I go to bed most nights at 7 pm and stay in bed until 7 am.  What a life?  I can't even shop at the mall.  I can't walk much and they are all so crowded.  I don't even have a Christmas tree.
I wish I could see you for Christmas.  I miss you so much.  Thanks again for the pictures.  You are so pretty and beautiful.  How is the asthma?  I hope better.  You know, I pray for you every night.  I really do love you.
My parents are coming tomorrow and bringing a few groceries.  I had them get a box of cards for Christmas.  I am going to wrap all the presents.  Then they have to be boxed.
Bob gave me a box with 35 petit fours and they are dark chocolate except for 7 which are white and spell Grandma.  Really pretty.  He comes to see me but he is grumpy most of the time.  His BP is high.  I know he doesn't feel well.  He wants me to take him places to eat, etc.
Well, I hope and pray you are well and happy.  Please write me soon.  I miss you.  Remember, Betsy, honey, I love you very much.

All my love,

Wednesday, December 9, 1987

December 9, 1987

Dear Betsy,

This is not your Christmas card.  I have a special one for you.  Your present should be at Soapstone.  I mailed a box by UPS.  My health isn't good and our apartment is a mess.  My hip has bursitis and is infected.  My ankles and feet are swollen.  I miss you but I can't afford to call plus I never know when to call.  How is work going?

Our bathroom floor is half soaked with water.  The apartment above has the problem and of course, it is a weekend and no one is around.  Plus, Bob has no trousers and I needed to laundry them.  I took all the stuff down the basement and loaded the wasing machine and put soap in…pushed my buttons and went to put my 75 cents in and discover it is jammed.

Everything is getting to me.  I feel like my nerves can't take much more.  Bob sleeps so much. I made a good supper but he is still sleeping.  In half an hour someone is bring me a cup of coffee from Friendly's.  I love coffee and it makes me pee.  Yesterday our friends brought boxes of things from Bob's freezer and refrig.  She let a turkey, 2 chickens, spare ribs, etc. defrost for 4 days so I had to throw them out.  I do have butter and cheese.  This really upset me.  So this is a depressing letter.  I love you and hope things are getting good for you.

I went looking for spaghetti sauce and spaghetti in the storage area in a cabinet and could only find the sauce.  So we have eggs Delmonico.  It is good but hard on my legs.

Sandy and Kirstie want to come for Christmas but I haven't got the money.  I'd love to have them.  I am afraid this is going to be a very depressing Christmas.  We are poor and life looks gloomy.  I miss you so much.  My health robbed me of you and your teen years.  I raised you but your Dad gets the credit.  I am so sorry I got sick and he made me leave and not come in 6 months unless I was better.  Well, I wasn't so you all went and Alison to Washington DC.

At least we had this visit this summer and I really loved every minute.  You are a wonderful girl.

What is the David situation?  What are you doing for Christmas?  I hope you have  a very nice Christmas.  I have you in my thoughts all the time.  Bob likes you so much.  I am glad.  He always wants to know about you.

Well, I guess I will close now and get this in the mail.  I hope you are happy and well.  Please write me.  I miss hearing from you.  Remember I love you very much and you are special in my life.  I heard "You Light Up My Life" today and cried.  I do remember your Installation.

Take care.  Write.

All My love,
Mom and Bob

Tuesday, December 1, 1987

December 1, 19t

Dear Betsy,
Today it is raining and snowing at the same time and cold.  It isn't sticking.  Kelly is even cold.
How was your Thanksgiving?  Min was terrible.  I saw no one.  My parents and Aunt Ida went to a fancy place.  The wheater was too cold for me.  They never even came to see me.  I ate a salad, cottage cheese and spinach.  Bob wanted to take me out to eat but it was cold.
Bob and I went to Fisches for soup, salad and fruit bar for $3.29.  It was very good.  We went on Saturday and I ran a few errands.  We got ice cream at a special store.  I can't do much when it's so cold or too hot.  My feet got hot and hurt really bad.  I then did all my laundry and it took 3 1/2 hours and 18 quarters.  That room is so hot, it really ruined my feet.  Then my electric blanket quit working and I can't get out to get a new twin blue one.  The malls are so packed.  I can't walk that much anymore.  My back is better.  My parents actually got my groceries for me and I paid them.  I think I made them feel guilty.  They don't help me much.
I watch TV all afternoon.  I listen to tapes in the morning and read.
I was so depressed Thanksgiving.  I could have gone to our community room for free dinner but it was hot and packed and all old people.  I don't really belong in here in that respect.  I can go get a mug of coffee a couple of times a day (15 cents each).  It is a good buy and good coffee.  I guess I am the only one in the family that loves coffee.  Does Kirstie drink coffee?  Your dad didn't and Bob doesn't.  I couldn't get up in the morning if I didn't have something hot to drink.  I hot hot oatmeal this morning.  I made it with milk.  I lost 6# but it is coming back.  I drink Swiss Miss cocoa and I put marshmallows in it.  I made it with 1/2 milk.  I have it before I go to bed.  Some nights I warm up a cup of eggnog.  That's why I gain weight but I don't care.
So how are you honey?  What did you do for Thanksgiving?  Where are you going or doing for Christmas?  Where do I send your present?  What about Kirstie?  Please give me her address and phone number.
Well, I will close so I can mail it.  I love you.  I hope you are feeling better by now.  Take care of yourself.  Write real soon.

All my love,

I love you, honey