This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Friday, October 5, 1990

October 5, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I haven't heard from you in a while so I decided to write.  I found a coupon for you if you still eat them.  I am on a slim fast diet to lose 5#.  I weigh 130 and that is too much for me.  Earl has been in the hospital for the past two weeks with bleeding ulcer in his tummy.  Then he developed a bad ceelutis from an IV and it required 6 days of IV antibiotics.  It is better now but he is still on antibiotics.  He has to take 2 stomach pills for the ulcers and he can't do any heavy work.  He has to have a cardiac cath for his heart.  He gets chest pain and the doctor told me he could probably drop over dead some day if we don't find the problem.  Earl is very healthy otherwise except for arthritis and having to wear hearing aids.  He has had several surgeries but for nothing serious.

It is a beautiful day here and supposed to get to 85 degrees by Sunday.  That is too hot for my legs.  We bought me a prescription a pair of mercury filled support hose.  They really help with the swelling but are very hot for my legs.  They go to below the knee and my toes are out.  They cost $54 for a pair.  That is a lot of money and should have another pair but we can't afford it now.

We have gotten acquainted with several people from church and Don and Osie come over every two weeks and they came over when Earl got home.  Don is Earl's age and is coming over this next week to cut all our wood up by the wood pile.  That is really nice of him (because) Earl can't do it.  Osie calls a lot and is into vitamins and herbs like myself.  She looks a long younger than Don.  We will go to church on Sunday at least for Sacrament meeting.  Relief Society is the last meeting on Sunday.  Is that the way it is in VA?  It is a brand new church and lots of people.  I haven't gotten any home teachers yet but the Relief Society Presidency came over and my 2 Visiting teachers.  They are all nice.  It is a good ward - Toledo was poor and didn't make you feel welcome except for a couple of people.  Anyway this is an excellent ward and I may even start doing genealogy.  I don't know where to begin.  I have so little to go on with my family history.

I do 50-80 sit ups a night.  Earl's daughter is selling me a brand new exercise bike which will help my legs get some strength.  It is $50.  That is what they paid for it and it is still in the box.  Now we have to get it here.  That may be a problem because our car is small.  Gram and Gramp got rid of their van and bought a small car for mom.  They are going to the Eastern Star Convention in Columbus on the 21-24th of this month and will come here on the 25th for the day.  They won't stay here.  I guess my house is not clean enough.  I don't know.  I was up 1/2 the night last night and slept late this morning.  We may go to Bob Evans for supper.  I don't know.  We have to really watch our money because we can't make it otherwise from month to month.  We only have 2 social security checks between us and that is not much.

I read my scriptures every day and it helps a lot.  I am in the BOM now and enjoy it very much.  I like the D&C too.  I know very little about the Pearl of Great Price.  I even have a Relief Society manual now which I haven't had for three years or more.  They gave it to me here.  Everyone has a hard time finding the place except Don and Osie.  Osie brings me food from her garden which is delicious.  They bring me magazines like Reader's Digest and Guideposts.   I do enjoy reading them.  Osie is ordering vitamins for me with her order.  Hopefully they will help my feet.  I should have had her order me dolomite and bone meal like she takes for her arthritis.  Earl is having a lot of pain with his arthritis.  He can hardly walk.  The doctor stopped his medicine he takes fir it because it is hard on the tummy.  It probably caused the ulcer.  He has to get well before hunting season because he wants a deer or two.  He and his son are going out hunting around the property.  We have lots of deer around here.  They are a beautiful animal.  It is also good meat for eating.  Earl has hunted for years in the upper states and shot many a deer and bear.  He has several different kins of guns.  We have them loaded too.  I was a little scared while he was in the hospital all alone except for Blackie.  She helped a lot.  She is smart.  She chews a lot so we keep her supplied with a big rawhide bone and she chews them up in a day or two.  She really eats a lot too but I guess that is to be expected with a big dog.  She is so tall when she stands up.  We love her and take good care of her.  We let her run outside when she goes potty.

My sceloderma is still acting up and I have to eat baby food at times.  Otherwise I eat normal.  I want to lose some weight fast.  I wear size 14 clothes now and that is big for me.  Earl made me a purple dress in floral print.  It is very pretty.  I wear it to church.  I don't get dressed up to eat at Bob Evans.  I wear sweat shirts and some dresses somedays.

So how are you doing?  We continue to pray for you.  I wish you didn't have to work so hard.  I am glad you get to the Temple.  One day I will be there with you.  Wouldn't that be wonderful.  I long for that special day.  How is your love life?  I hope doing fine.  Do you want to get married and have babies?  I bet you do.  You are so beautiful.  I love you so much.

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Wednesday, September 19, 1990

September 19, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I got your letter two days ago and was so glad and happy to hear from you.  Earl has been really sick and his color was terrible and he got so weak.  I took him to the doctor on Monday and the doctore drew blood thinking it was virus.  Well, Tuesday AM the nurse called to say to take Earl to the hospital.  He is bleeding somewhere and his hmg. was 8.6 on Monday and yesterday it was 7.2.  Then he got chest pain and had to take 2 nitro's and was put on oxygen.  He is a very sick man.  He has a good doctor.  Dr. Harris saw me first and he said, "Judy, you have been here all day, now go home."  Then he went to see Earl and told Earl that he was sending me home.  I just called the hospital and they said he felt stronger and didn't as hard pain as he did yesterday.  Thank the dear Lord.

I went to see Earl today.  They gave him 2 pints of blood and he looks better and feels much better.  He can only have clear liquids and therefore has liquid stools.  He has to have a special test done tomorrow where they put a big garden hose down your throat to see the lining of the stomach and duodeum.  I was there 4 hours and came home.  I fixed his bed up special for him.  Someone from church gave me 3 large print Reader's Digests to read.  Earl finished sewing my dress for me.  It is purple/black print.  I have a black purse and belt.  Now I need black shoes.  I plan to wear it this Sunday.  Last Sunday Earl was too sick to go anywhere.  I had to drive him to the doctor on Monday and the hospital on Tuesday.  I rarely ever drive so it takes some remembering especially on these winding roads.  I get sleepy.  You know I don't get more than 4 hours of sleep a night.  I come up in the loft and read or watch a video.  I went to the library and check out two books today.  I watched Cora earlier and it was a cop story and very good.

We are hurting moneywise.  I haven't paid on medical bills for 2 months.  Now, our car insurance is due.  We haven't even enough cash for groceries.  I am praying for help.  I think this is really bothering Earl.  Probably why he has the ulcer if that is what it is.  I pray it is not a tumor.  Can you put his name on the Prayer list at the Temple?

My dog is sleeping.  She is so big and Earl say she will be huge.  She is loveable and her name is Blackie.  We walk her all the time and she loves it.  I can only make it to the mail boxes down the way and walk back.  She sniffs everything.  We have deer here and she much smell them.  I hope I can train her so I can trust her when I go away.  She is almost house broken.  She told me this morning but I didn't realize it and she wet and pooped.  I am used to Earl being here because he walks her the most.  Sometimes I think we should put her outside and build a dog house for her.  She is big for a house dog.  She loves it in here though and good hearted Judy doesn't want to upset the dog.  She just came up from behind and put her head on my headed.  I am sitting on the floor.  What a surprise.

Earl's oldest daughter called tonight to see how her dad is doing.  She is very nice.  She and her husband stayed with us the weekend of the wedding.  Did I tell you that I got my long hair cut very short.  I look better with long hair but all I can do now is to let it grow.  We had to buy a new microwave on time because ours stopped working.  It is a Sears and does really well.  It is the top model for the low price.  The one we ordered never came in so the manager said to come and get a better one.  It does everything.  It is much nicer than Earl's oldest one.  It worked by a dial - no selections.  It just had a timer and it was an old Litton.  I am about to sew for the girls.  I have two patterns cut out and all they need is sewing.  Sandy is anxious to get them.  Maybe I can sew tomorrow with Earl in the hospital.  I have to drive to Circleville for the hospital.  The sun is supposed to shine tomorrow after days of rain.  It has been cool though.

I now wear support hose with toes open and they are below the knee.  They have 30-40 compression of Mercury in them.  That cost us $54 this month for one small pair.  We owe so many medical bills and they get worse.  Now we have this hospital stay.  It is 2 AM and my other tape is going.  It is really good - war story.  I am drinking a caffeine free diet coke.

I have done something to my right upper arm.  It is painful and I can only life it so far.  It is weak to use so I am using my left side only.  I don't want to spend the money to go to the doctor.  They bill Medicare so I don't pay anything until they pay anything until they pay.  I have to have my Scleroderma checked also by a specialist.  My teeth are going to pot so I have to get them worked on but Earl has insurance for most of that which will help.

Well, I am out of news.  Thank you for writing.  Take care of yourself.  Remember that I love you dearly.  Write when you can.  Give me your address so I don't have to send your mail to Kirstie.  I love you.

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Wednesday, August 29, 1990

August 29, 1990

Dear Betsy,

My visiting teachers came 2 days ago.  Some lady brought them that knew the way.  We had a nice visit.  They brought 2 old church news, 3 large print Reader's Digest, Relief Society manual.  It sure was good to see someone besides Earl.  I am making a church dress out of the material I enclosed.  I think that it will be very pretty.  It was supposed to cost $8 and I got it for $3.50 a yard.  Earl has been working on it and sewing it.  I really wanted to do it but he can't cut wood in the heat and right now it is storming.  Well, that is all the additional news I have.  Remember that we love you and pray for you every night.

All our love,
Mom and Earl

Wednesday, August 22, 1990

August 22, 1990

Dear Betsy,

How are you doing?  Did you get my letters?  How was your trip?  We had Earl's daughter and husband stay with us so they could have motel money.  They took us out to eat at a nice place Saturday.  The wedding was lovely and the reception was okay.  Her colors were burgundy and pink.  I had my hair done at Penney's in Lancaster at 8 AM.  Then I came home and made breakfast for our company.  Earl and I stopped at McDonald's for a Sausage McMuffin with egg and cheese.  It is very good.  I even wore my white shoes that I got married in.  I've only worn them 2 times.  I have a brand new pair of tennis shoes that are pink and white and they adjust across the top.  I bought a slacks pattern with a dress on it and I am anxious to start sewing.  I wear size 14 now in all clothes.  My medicine is making me gain weight and there is nothing I can do about it.  It is the Cortisone for the Scleroderma.  My biggest problem with it is I have a terrible swallowing.  Our bed is (head of bed) is up on 4 inch blocks which is supposed to help me.  I am on ulcer medicine my tummy is so sore.  My dear cat has been urinating and pooping on our carpet.  So we shut her up in the bathroom and she is very unhappy.  I even took her canned food last night thinking she might poop.  She cries all the time.  Our new puppy is outside because she got into everything and when we went away, oh what a mess.  We put her in the bathroom.  When we got home what a mess for us to clean up!  She doesn't bark yet for us.  She did once and that was it.  She is half Shepard and half back Labrador retriever.

We have no money except we charge but our payments are very high.  We have $50 cash until the …  Our checking account is the $50.  So I will finish this letter and then on the 1st, I can buy a roll of stamps.  I must have 30 outstanding medical bills.  Plus all the utilities, charge accounts.  So we won't be going out to eat at McDonald's or Bob Evans.  We usually go to breakfast at McDonald's and eat lunch or supper out.  I cook a lot.  We just charged a microwave so I can cook and bake in it.  The one we have now doesn't do anything.  It cooks or heats on high power, that's all.  It doesn't defrost, back a certain %'s.  This is a Sears one we are getting and we have to wait until they get in.

I have been busy pulling the weeds in front of the house.  It is a never ending job.  It does look better.  Earl has been busy cutting wood and getting ready for winter.

What should I do about the garments?  Should I call Salt Lake Distribution Center and get them when I can after the 1st?  I just thought you could get them quicker.  Just get the three bottoms now and send them.  I'll pay you.  I can wait on the tops.  If we had the money we would come there again and I could get my recommend  and we could go through the Temple together.    Oh.  That would be nice.  It is going to storm this afternoon.  I just put the light on so maybe I can see better.  We had a nice time when we visited last fall.  Hard to believe it has been that long.

Tomorrow we go to Circleville and take our library tapes back.  We get 4 videos every time we go.  Earl enjoys them a lot.  I listen and type, etc.  My hands are loosing feeling so I can't write much anymore.  It is cause by the Scleroderma.  I am supposed to go to Ohio State Hospital in Columbus.  My doctor is on vacation.  Maybe we will go to Chilecothe.  It is a lot closer.  If we can't do that, we will go to Toledo and see Dr. Shoen.  He has seen me a lot.  He researches Ertthromelagia and knows a lot about it.  The doctor that handles Scleroderma is called a rheumatoidologist and that is what Dr. Shoen is.  My hands shake most of the time and there must be something they can do.  Say a prayer for me.  I could use one.

Well, you will never guess who just came to see me from the church.  It was a retired couple like Earl and me.  No one can find us.  They live fairly close by and know the area.  So they decided to come and find us.  Now, they said my visiting teachers can find me and will be here next week.  This couple will be back in 2 weeks.  I need friends and I love people.

Alex is 2 in a couple of days.  It is hard to believe.  Then Markel has her third birthday.  I wish I could see them again.  I wish they could come here.

Earl's daughter and husband stayed here this past weekend and we had fun together.  Evelyn loves to cook so I am sending her some recipes.  I made these delicious bran muffins.  She loved them.  She is heavy set because she loves to eat.

I went to Circleville today because I complained that I never drive the car.  Earl go and get the tapes, Rx, and a cup of coffee.  I got everything and made it home safely.  I was so nervous from not driving for so long.  I didn't drink coffee.  I am trying to get my Temple Recommend.  How often do you get to the Temple?  I wish we could go through together.  Maybe soon.  I wish I had some friends.  It is lonely when Earl is outside.  He came in at 2 PM and was exhausted so he laid down an hour.  Now we are watching a video that I got today.  I also got a book called "The Awakening of the Soviet Union."  It is only 200 pages and it sounded good.  I can only have it for two weeks because it is a new book.  Well, I am out of news and will close.  Hope you are well and happy.  Remember that I love you dearly.  I have no stamps so you won't get this until after the first.  I miss you.

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Monday, August 13, 1990

August 13, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I got your letter today and was so happy.  We went to town today and found a paper that had a dog in it to give to good home.  We had to go to Tarlton which is quite a ways away to find her.  She is coal black everywhere.  Her body, ears, nose, eyes, moth and nails are all black.  She is a mix between a German shepherd  and Black Labrodor Retriever.  We got her for protection.  She is 10 weeks and already weighs 18# so she will be a horse when full grown.  We took her outside twice and the second time she did her business.  She loves to eat and drink water and clean our plates.  She is a darling puppy.  We named her Blackie for obvious reasons.  It is 12 AM and we have to heave here at 8 AM in order to get there on time.  Gram brought me a pile of small books on romance.  They look good.  I think I'll read my Temple booklet after I type this to you.  Nitten, our cat is afraid of the dog.  The dog runs after her and wants to play.  Oh, Betsy, when I go to feed Blackie she knocks the food out of my hand and wags her tail and knocks every thing over.  She is so cute.  We came up to the loft after supper to watch a video and she came up and laid by Earl.  Then when we went downstairs she was so scared.  I brought her home and gave her a bath.  She had been in a pen outside and was so very wet because it poured rain.

My scleroderma is not good.  The way my hands are is the way my throat  and esophagus are. I will probably be put on Coritsone soon and I don't want it after all the trouble Kirstie had.  My feet and legs are the same - hot, red and swollen.  I have learned tolive with them for the most part.  The pain is what gets to me.  They swell when I am on them too much or it is really hot outside.  This is the 4th letter I have written to you since you left.  Have you been getting them via Kirstie?  I need your correct address and then I will know that you got them.  Please send it to me and your phone number.  We have so many medical buills that I don't know where to begin because we only have $100 to the end of the month.  This weekend Earl's daughter and son-in-law are coming for the wedding and staying with us.  So I have to clean again and get groceries.  They are big eaters.  I hope Blackie behaves with them here.  They have a dog and cat.

Our basement is full of water.  I called the builder and he came right over.  The drain and pipes from the bath tub let go and he fixed them.  All my boxes of things are soaked and get moldy if I don't get them soon.  We have three full wardrobe boxes down there.  They all have clothes on the bottom.  My washer and dryer are in water too.  We have our work cut out for us.  Is my typing any better?  I am sure getting fast.  I still make mistakes and have to use the liquid for correction fluid.  We ate a simple lunch at Bob Evans today.  Tonight I burnt my lips and mouth on a cup of hot chocolate.  I am surprised I haven't awaken Earl with all this typing and the radio on.  I am beginning to feel sleepy but it will pass.  I have too much to do around and too much reading to get done.  This is the one time I can read and understand it.  I have my scriptures to do yet.

Did I tell you that I cut my hair and every one really likes it.  So do I.  Earl thinks I look really good this way.  I am too old to wear long hair and it is too think.  Earl says my hair is softer now and it usually is like a horses tail.  My dress for the wedding is a shiny royal blue.  Very dressy.  Cost $50.  Not really that bad when you consider I have a nice evening and cocktail dress.  Earl gave me a diamond pendant and an opal pendant with a pair of opal earrings to match.  I already have 3/4 carrot diamond earrings that we bought shortly after we were married.  I have lovely jewelry and forget to wear it.  I have two full jewelry boxes full of jewelry play what Earl has locked up for me.  I have a set of ruby's also.  The ruby rings were Aunt Ida's and are genuine ruby.  Well, I am running out of news.  I feel bad that I haven't written more.  Give me your phone number and I will call you for a few minutes because Earl has a fit if a person talks long.  I never call anyone long distance unless it is to Circleville.  Remember that I love you dearly and miss you.  Take care of yourself.  Give Kirstie my love.  Her letter will be written tomorrow.  I love you.

All my love,

Saturday, August 11, 1990

August 11, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I have sent three letters to you at Kirstie's.  Have you received them?  I surely hope so.  Today Grandma and Grandpa had us meet them at Bob Evans in Circleville.  We had a lovely meal.  Earl and I had the catfish dinner.  Then they followed us to our house and started unloading their truck.  We got a 12 pack of Coke and 4 bottles of other pop.  Then we got bananas and a big canister of fresh blueberries.  Grandma brought me typing supplies and correction stuff.  They bought Earl a knit blue shirt and me a khaki pair of darling shorts and got a size twelve and I need a size 14.  So they took it back with them and exchange it.  Your mom is gaining weight.  They all thing I look good at 135#.  Then last week I got my long thick busy hair cut really short and it is darling.  I go back to the hair dresser this coming Saturday to get my hair done for the wedding.  Melissa (Earl's grand daughter) is getting married at 1 PM.  We bought me a beautiful royal blue wedding dress with a shiny sash to it.  Grandma says it is really lovely.  We are all excited about the wedding.  The reception is over by us and not air-conditioned so I don't think I can go.  Earl will go and I feel really bad.  Grandma and Grandpa also brought toilet paper and paper towels and six bars of soap and four sets of wash cloths and had towels.  It was really nice of them and we sure can use everything they brought.  I am anemic and have to take potent iron medicine.  It is hard on the bowels.  I have enough trouble that way anyhow.  All my medicine is constipating.  We spent lots of money on laxatives.  If you know of something good that helps please let me know.  What do you think about all the trouble in Iraq?  I read my scriptures every day and Earl and pray together several times a day.  It is wonderful.  He is good to me, Betsy and I love him dearly.  We are watching a video now and it is called "The Morning After".  It is really good.  We have watched 298 videos from the library so far.  I am going to sew two dresses for the girls.  Plus I bought 2 patterns for clothes for me.  There are dresses, skirts, blouses, slacks, and peddle pushers.  They should make up cute and are size 14.  Earl will help me sew them which I will need as I haven't sewn in such a long time.  The last thing I made was a dress for little Markel.  So how are you doing?  Please write or call me.  I love to hear from you.  Have you been back to the temple?  Have you looked into the garments for me?  I need size 34 in tops and size 30 or 31 in bottoms.  I would like three of each and I will pay you as soon as you tell me what they cost.  Oh, I want them in the blend material.  I have cotton ones now and they are fine for winter but hot in the summer.  If you can't get them and I'll call Salt Lake Distribution Center and order them.  The sooner the better I get them.  I got the magazine on "Temples" that I ordered by mail.  I want to get my Temple Recommend soon.  Maybe Earl will bring me to Washington, DC Temple.  I'd love to see you and Kirstie again.  We just need the money.  I wish I could work and bring in a pay check.  My stomach bothers me a lot on this iron pill.  I watch what I eat and try to be careful.  I ate a banana after Grandma and Grandpa left and my tummy is all upset.  I don't understand why I can't eat a banana.  They are so good.  Tomorrow morning I will put lots of blueberries on my cereal.  I love them so much.  I eat cereal, juices, and a whole grain muffin for breakfast.  Now, Earl eats bacon and eggs, or sausage and eggs with muffin.  He can't drink juice except grape.  I like orange juice and grapefruit juice and I have to eat prunes or prune juice.  Hate them.  I got a nice letter from Bob's Aunt in Nebraska and she is in her 80s.  She finally has left their big farm and moved to the city.  They miss the farm life.  She has always been good about writing.  Bob thought a lot of her.  His mom was her sister.

It is 3 AM now and I am wide awake so I hope to finish this letter so when we go to church today I can mail it.  How are you doing?  I know that you must be quite busy.  I miss not hearing from you.  Please let me hear from you.  I am playing my tape "Our Heavenly Father's Plan".  I got it from the missionaries in Toledo for $1.  I really like it and it is especially for those who have been through the Temple.  I am so proud of you for having gone through the Temple and getting your endowments.

I could lose 10 pounds and probably look better.  I am not heavy.  My bones are big and Earl says I look good.  Better than ever!  I would rather weight 120# but then I am skinny.  What do I do?  You would like me in short hair.  I look a lot younger and that is important.  It is also cooler.  I love your hair.  And how do you keep so thin?  I really don't eat that much yet on goes the weight.  I think it comes from some medications I take.  I have to take them so I guess I live feeling full and stuffed all the time.  My cat is up here in the loft with me.  She is so sweet and we really love her.

Well, I am out of news and will close now.  Hope you are well and stay happy.  Let me know what I should do about the garments.  If you can't get them, I'll call Salt Lake Distribution Center and put it on Mastercard.  Thank you so much.  Remember that your mom loves you and misses you so much.

All our love,
Mom and Earl

Sunday, August 5, 1990

August 5, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I still don't have your correct address so I hope you get this by my sending it to Kirstie.  So how are you?  I hope well.  Today is Church day and we are going.  I have been up since 2 AM. Earl was reading with me and got a headache so he is sound asleep.  It is now 5 AM and I just made some delicious muffins.  I can't decide whether to gain 5# or not.  I am about right now, I think.  The big wedding is less than 2 weeks away.  Everyone is getting excited.  I started e eating a bowl of shredded wheat for breakfast.  Earl has Bacon, eggs, and muffin.  I made him a yellow cake yesterday which is very good.  About the wedding, Kathy gave me an awful shade of pink dress and she is short so it comes up my shins.  So yesterday we went to Lancaster and got me a black and dark blue print.  We had to go to SEARS to get Earl a claw hammer.  So Earl suggested we go to dress department and see if they had anything fancier.  Well, we found a shiny material in royal blue.  It is so pretty.  Cost $50.  Then we had to take the other dress back to Penney's and they refunded me $63.  I have white shoes to wear with it and a white purse.  Earl has a blue suit or a tan one.  I don't know which one he is wearing.  The wedding takes place in Circleville Baptist Church.  The reception is in a lodge by us.  It should be nice.  She is marrying into the family that built our house.  They are all nice people.

Earl and I are going to the dentist this week on Friday.  My teeth really need some care.  Ear'ls former company pays for most of it.  Then as soon as the papers are due and back to us, we can both get our eyes examined and get new glasses for only $10.  You can't beat those benefits.

Yesterday, my order from the Temple magazine came.  I really like it.  Betsy, could you get 3 sets of garments for me in the blend.  The tops are size 34 and I don't know the bottom without taking this one off.  My hips are 36-38.  Let me know the money and I will send it to you right away.  Get them in the blend please.  I would greatly appreciate it so very much.  I am so happy for you.  I am ashamed of myself.  I let my standards slip and my smoking is terrible.  Earl doesn't says anything about my wearing garments.  He thinks they keep me warm.  He is so good to me.  I love him so very much.  We do everything together which is really nice.

Earl's son has been bringing loads of pine wood over for us to burn their winter.  He is the father of the bride and his wife is making him get ride of all his wood.  Earl and I think it is terrible.  Kathy has to have things her way or else.  She means very well but she has hurt her husband.  I am getting my hair thinned, cut short and set at J.C. Penneys on the 16th.  I may get a light perm to give it body.  Kathy and the 2 girls are getting theirs done there also.

I am reading a book called "RN to BSN" which prepares you to take a test to get your BSN degree.  It is difficult and deep but I am determined to do it.  I am doing labor, delivery, newborn baby, etc.  Then in the AJN Magazine there is an article on shock and hemorrhage which I can read and take a test and get 2 contact hours for continuing education if I pass it.  It looks interesting.  Last one I did was on Burns and I got them all right.  I got a certificate.  There is no way I can work.  I would dearly love to work as an RN.  Today my feet are swollen.  They haven't been loke that for ages.  Earl takes me to church every week and says nothing.  At least he goes with me and maybe someday he will want the missionaries.  Please get the garments for me and mail them to me.  I'll send you the money when ever you want it so let me know.  I need three pair.

Well, I am out of news and this letter is full of mistakes.  Please forgive as I type fast.  I hope you are happy and well.  We pray for you every night.  How is your love life?  Are you still dating Rob?  If yes, is there any chance of marriage?  I am working on my temple recommend.  It shouldn't be long now.  I love to come and see you again.  We had such a good time last fall with you and Kirstie.  Then I could go to the Washington Temple with you.  That would be wonderful.  I guess I dream too much.  Grandma and Grandpa send their love.  They will be here in 2 weeks.  Take care of yourself, honey.  Remember I love you dearly and miss you.

All our love,
Mom and Earl

Saturday, July 28, 1990

July 28, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I woke up at midnight and decided to come up to the loft and read some scriptures from the D&C and Book of Mormon.  Now, it is going on 2 am and Earl just came up and he is reading.  Please excuse my errors.  Since I have been doing so much typing, I go a lot faster and make mistakes.

Yesterday we left here at 7 AM and went to Circleville to McDonalds and got breakfast.  It was good.  Then we ran errands and then over to see Earl's son.  He is my age and very nice.  His wife sleeps late.  Then we went to Lancaster to get some towels for Melissa and John for their wedding present.  Then we ate lunch at Bob Evans.  I had a salad and bowl of chili and cheese.  It was delicious.

I went to the doctor Thursday and so did Earl.  Were were there three hours.  My BP was very low and I was weak.  I feel better today.  He is sending me to a specialist at Ohio State University Hospital to see what he can do with the Scleroderma.  He says it is interesting subject as they put it.  I wish I were well and had neither of these problems.  My legs and feet get red, hot and swollen every day.  Earl has inner ear infection and has been getting dizzy and light headed.  Plus he has had some chest pain so the doctor really increased his medicine.  He is better now.

I have a new book and 2 ninety minute cassette tapes to do.  It is called "RN to BSN"  It is a review of all of the nursing skills and should be good.  Boy, butchered some words there).  I am doing this study rather than try and go to college and have to do all the walking, etc.  I would like a degree besides my diploma.  Trouble is I can never use it unless I give up my social security disability and it is $404 a month which is not much to make.  That is my only source of income and very little.

My arthritis  was giving me a lot of trouble but is better now.  It is very painful.  Earl's son brought us a load of wood at 1:30 the other night and he put it on our wood pile.  There has been 8 breaking up here so far in the last 2 weeks.  We do have an alarm system that we always turn on.  I wish now that I still had my dog.  They can bark which is more than a cat can do.  We love our cat though.  I might go and get me a dog.  Earl will probably say no.  I am running out of news so I may have to close for now.  I hope you are well.  Earl is reading a 1400 page story on the Indian who led Lewis and Clark Expedition.  It is really good.  It is my book which I never read.

Today I will bake a cake for Earl or brownies.  Then I have 3 loads of laundry to do and sweep the floors and mop them.  If I don't I will get ants.  I have to spray every 2 weeks.  It is now 2:#0 and I am getting tired - finally.  I am so glad grandma gave me this typewriter as I don't write very well any more.  Since the washer and dryer are in the basement, Earl will probably do most of the work to save my legs.  They get very weak now and I can only do so much.  My tummy is really gurgling.  Earl just got us some cheese.  I am trying to talk Earl into getting a dog for protection.  I think it is a good idea.

Well, at 4 AM Earl and I went to Lancaster to get some breakfast.  I came home and have had diarrhea since then.  He is sleeping.  I made a batch of brownies and cooked some hard boiled eggs.  I just swept the floors and used ant spray.  Now, I have the laundry to do.  I couldn't sleep because I had the runs so I am very tired.  I have to make a meatloaf or have hamburger patties for supper.  We will eat early today.  I am already starving hungry.

I just weighed myself and I am down to 125# which is good.  I would really like to go to 120# but I might look too thin.  I may wear one of Kathy's long dresses for the wedding.  It is 3 weeks away.  Her colors are pink and burgundy.  Kathy is wearing Burgundy and her dress for me is pink and she says I will blend in for all the pictures.  They are being married in a Baptist church this side of Circleville.  Then the reception is up by us at the lodge.  It is going to be a big wedding from what I hear.

Our doctor didn't say when to come back.  We had been for a long time and it was okay.  Well, honey, I am out of news and it is time to wake Earl from his long sleep.  I hope he stays well.  Take care and stay happy.  I am so proud of you.  Remember we love you very much.

All our love,
Mom and Earl

Friday, July 20, 1990

July 20, 1990

Dear Betsy,

I want you to know what an inspiration you are to me.  I am so proud of you.  My Betsy has been to the Temple.  Now I am going to church this Sunday and pay my tithing.  I wear my garments except I need some bottoms in the blend material.  Earl will go with me.  He is a wonderful husband.  I want to get my Temple Recommend and be able to go to the temple.  It has been so many years.  I read my scriptures every day.  We have prayer together and that helps so much.  I have been a little dpressed lately and for no reason.

We went to Circleville this morning and got 4 videos for the library.  e are watching one.  We stopped at McDonalds and had a breakfast sandwich.  It was good.  I had a bowl  of shedded wheat at 5 AM so I am hungry.  I can't sleep at night anymore.  I am up usually around 3 AM.  I read during this time.  Today at the library I got a book on heart failure which is brand new ... It looks good.  Please send me your address.  I lost it somehow. It is very hot and humid here.  It gets hot up here in the loft.  Our air conditioner helps and the fan but it is hard to get that ool air up here.  We love it up here so much.  The view is so pretty.  We are pulling weeds and going to plant some flowers for ground cover.  I want a small pine tree for in front of the house.  We need fill dirt but money is tight so it will have to wait.  My feet are very hot this afternoon.  They got that way in town.  I have to wear support that come below the knee.  That get hot also but keep the swelling down.  I wrote Kirstie the other day.  I hope she is well.  Oh, I cut out an article on asthma that I will enclose with this letter.  Could you send me a post card or something from the Washington Temple.  I would surely appreciate it very much.  I would love to come to Washington DC and go through the temple with you.  So I'll have to save a lot of money.  How much did it cost you to come here?  How many miles is it? 
Well, Earl's granddaughter will be married soon.  All his family will be there from Toledo.  She is only 18 and John is 20.  They have a lovely house to rent.  We went there this AM.  John is busy painting it.

My tummy get bloated so much with gas and I don't know why.  I see the doctor next week and hopefully he will have an answer.  I have never had a tummy before.  I only weight 128#  and I am dieting so I don't gain anymore weight.  It is hard to take off at my age plus  I can't exercise and walk anymore.  My legs cramp up a lot.  But I manage to get my work done and enjoy life as much as possible.  Life is wonderful with Earl.  He is so good to me.  I love him dearly.  I hope he lives a long life. 

Sunday, July 15, 1990

July 15, 1990

Dear Betsy,

Grandma gave me this electric typewriter and this is the second time I have used it.  I never took typing in school so bear with me.  Please excuse the mistakes.  I am so proud of you for getting your endowments.  That is so great.  I want to thank you for the beautiful present you gave me of a mother and daughter.  The words you said were lovely and made me feel so good.  I have been having a lot of trouble with my stomach.  It has to do with the Scleroderma.  Last night I vomited and was so sick.  Then in the middle of the night I woke up in a pile of poop.  What a mess.  I get up lots of nights at 4 AM and read.  I got some books at the library.  One was called Moscow Station and was on the KGB.  It was really interesting.  It is hard to believe what goes on in the Embassy.  They plant bugs all over our territory.  I am watching a tape called Lawrence of Arabia.  It is very good and very long.  We get 4 videos from the library 3 days a week.  I am going to sew some dresses for Alex and Markel.  I have the material.  I sure miss them.  Earl will sew too.  He made me a beautiful pink tailored suit.  He can sew anything.  I haven't sewn in such a long time.  Grandma and Grandpa called the other day.  They are fine.  Earl and I went to Toledo to attend to some things.  They paid our motel bill.  I don't know why they didn't want us to stay with them.  It cost them seventy some dollars for 2 nights.  They took us out to eat.  I just started a diet.  My belly was sticking out and I was having to buy size 14 so I decided to cut down on my food.  I made a yellow cake for Earl this morning.  He likes it.  Earl and I are very happy.  We love each other so much.  He is so good to me.  I couldn't be happier.  Sandy called twice last week and is really having tummy problems.  I hope and pray she will soon be well.  We have had a week of rain and everything is so green.  We love our home.  It has to be fixed up but the land is so beautiful.  Have you moved?  Your address is different so I will send this there.  Earl's grand daughter is getting married August 18th.  She is 18.  I went to a bridal shower this past week.  I got another book from the library on "Modern China."  It should be good but it is 1000 pages.  I am reading church books.  I read scriptures every day.  Well, honey, I will close for now so this can be mailed.  I am so proud of you for going to the temple.  It is so wonderful to have your endowments.  Heavenly Father will bless you.  Take care and write soon.  Remember I love you dearly.

All our love,

Mom and Earl

Earl and I are quitting smoking.  Send information.

Tuesday, April 24, 1990

April 24, 1990

Dear Betsy,

Couldn't find your address.  Hope this is all right.  I have hypothermia now and it is 84 degrees outside.  We can't afford air conditioning.

April 25
I am at McDonalds.  I had sausage with egg McMuffin.  I am not hypothermic today.  You can tell by my writing.  Earl took the care to the dealer becasue readio and cassette player won't work.  I hate not having music in the car.  We listen to tapes most of the time.

That Barium test was positive for Sclorodema.  So now I have to take more pills and pray for a remission.  My blood work is up also.  So do pray for me.  Earl and I pray 2 x a day.  He really loves me.  I am so happy with him.  We are making a linen suit for me.  It is a pretty pink.  I want it made for Mom's day.

Ricky is getting married May 12th.  He is excited and happy.  Grandma and Grandpa are going.  So sorry to hear about your broken arm.  What did you do when it got wet.

The disease I have is fatal  - it will be watched closely.

April 30
Sorry it has taken so long to write this.  Yesterday we went to McDonalds all dressed for church.  I ate and got sick.  Threw up.  Most cases of Scleroderma occur on outside which I have but I have it in the esophagus which is why my doctor says I have to live on medicine and baby food.  I cook such good food for Earl.  Oh, I can have eggs, oatmeal and milk.

Earl is busy sewing my pink suit.  He does a beautiful job and has a lot of patience.

All our trees and ground cover has turned green or blossomed.  It is pretty.  Saw a deer (doe) across the street about 6:30 PM.

Earl called the Bishop yesterday.  The Bishop's Mom called me today.  She is 83 and lives in Lancaster where our church is.  She called me because I have no friends.  Earl is my life and he really loves me.  We do and go everywhere.  We watch videos from the library.

Well, I am out of news and want to get this in the mail.  Hop your arm is better.  Remember I love you and miss you so much.

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Tuesday, March 20, 1990

March 20, 1990

Dear Betsy,

It's your birthday this week.  I call on your birthday and left a message for you.  I hope you got it.  I hope you had a nice day.  Twenty-four year old.  That is really hard to believe.  You are 1/2 my age.  I should be able to remember that easily enough.

Today, Earl and I went to Bob Evans in Lancaster for breakfast.  It was very good.  We go to Circleville 3 x a week to get 4 videos each time.  We eat breakfast at McDonalds each time for a total of $2.88.  We get our coffee free.  I weigh 121-122 now.  I lost about 12 pounds.  Today we went to the only Mall.  I got one of those faded different colors of blue skirts.  It zips in the back and has a slit hem with 2 bows.  It comes just above my knees.  It is size 11.  The 13 was a little big.  Then I get 4 pr bikinis for $10 on sale.  We never buy anything but Earl said "get them please for me."  He is so good to me and a wonderful husband.  I have never been happier.  We do everything together.

We'd love to have you come when you can.  We may go to Toledo for a day and visit.  My Mom and Dad probably are coming Sunday for us to have dinner with them at Bob Evans.  They haven't been here since January.

So how was your trip to Puerto Rico?  I got your post card.  Sounds like you had a great time and lots of fun.  How is your love life?  I hope good.  Grandma says you will probably never marry because you are so happy as it is.  I think you will marry a wonderful man I hope and pray you are always so happy.  I am glad you got back to the church and are active.  That is so wonderful.  Earl takes me to church.  Our Ward is in Lancaster.  It is 22 miles away and the same distance to Circleville.  The Chapel is all new and really big.  The members are nice and friendly.

I am reading "Doctor Ziwago."  It is good and I enjoy reading a lot as I always did.

I got a letter from Kirstie with her address so tell her I'll write this week one day.  We had 80 degree weather last week and in the 30's today put it snowed last night.  Really pretty up here.

Well, I will close now.  We love you and miss you.  Earl's son's daughter (Melissa) is getting married August 25th at 1:30 PM in Circleville.  She is marrying a really nice guy (John).

Take care.  Remember I love you very much and miss you.

All our love,
Mom and Earl

March 20, 1990

Dear Betsy,

The years may change a lot of things.
But never the love this message brings.
And never the pride and happiness, too,
That comes from having a daughter like you.

I love you

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Monday, February 19, 1990

February 19, 1990

Dear Betsy,

Thank you so much for callin me on my birthday.  No one else cared but you and Earl.  Grandma sent a card and check for a new skirt.  Sandy sent a card the other day.  Said she had fun with you.  So you ski?  You must be pretty good at it.  I could never do it.

Earl is fine and wonderful.  We have been married 9 wonderful months.  He is so good to me. He is a religious man.  We pray together in each others arms 2x a day.  I have a new Quad from Deseret Book Store.  Earl let me have it.

Gram and Gramp are in Florida for awhile.  They are both fine.  How is Kirstie?  Is she still with Will?  I haven't heard from her.  I hope all is well.  She sent us beautiful Christmas gifts. By the way - did you and Kirstie get yours?  I sent the box to Kristie's Blue Smoke address.  It was 1st class.

The other night I got up and went to bathroom and came out and call to Earl (2 AM) and saw stars.  He couldn't get to me in time but saw me take a terrible fall.  He took my temperature and it was below 93 degrees.  She he made decaff tea.  My right ankle was all inflamed and full of pus.  I went to the doctor today and he lanced it open.  Now I have to soak it 3 x a day in warm Epsom Salt water.  Then put peroxide on it… then neosporin ointment and dressing. It is really swollen and I am on anitbiotics.  At least I didn't have to go in the hospital as usual.

So I hope you are well and happy.  I am working towards my temple recommend.  Church is 20 miles to Lancaster.

We love our house and property.  Earl cuts wood.  He works hard.  We have a big bassett hound called Susie who we love, but she has hair everywhere so we have to give her away.  She is so good.  We have a full basement and main level with a kitchen dining room, our bedroom and little sitting room.  Then we have an upstairs with TV, hide-a-bed, end tables, 2 chairs and coffee table.  Our house is small but we love it and we have 5 acres of timber, deer, etc.  We saw four deer (doe) this morning.

We go to the library every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and get 4 videos of wonderful movies.  Then you have to have them back by 9 AM so we go to McDonalds for breakfast first.  Then we get groceries and come home.  That is our entertainment which is really good.  Everything is getting green.  Spring is near and my Betsy will be 24 years old.  Hard to believe.  I am twice your age.

Well, honey, I will close.  Take care of yourself.  Keep up with your church activities.  I love you very much.  Write or call soon.  I miss you.  You'll never know how much it meant to me for you to call on my birthday.  Thanks for making me feel special.  Tell Kirstie I love her and miss her too.  Hope she is well.

All my love,
Mom and Earl

Tuesday, January 2, 1990

January 2, 1990

Dear Betsy,

Christmas Day Earl couldn't wake me from coma.  Then he discovered I was so cold.  He rushed me to ER in Circleville, over 20  miles away from here.  My body temperature was 86 degrees instead of 98.  They worked on me all day and evening.  Then I was awake.  They let Earl in to see me.  Then, a few hours later, I had a fever.

The next morning I spent in x-ray.  They found a big sinus infection.  So I had to have 2 IV antibiotics for 3 days.  Now, I am fine.  No cough, etc.  Of course, I had to quit smoking.  Cold turkey.  You can't smoke in ICU and I don't think my doctor would approve.  I have a very good doctor.  It was 50-60 bed hospital.  Nice nurses.  I was so happy to see Earl when I warmed up.  He was so good to me.  I sure did scare him.  He was so afraid he lost me.

It is lonely here.  I only see Earl.  Sometimes I see his son.  He has 2 daughters, one 15 and 18.  The 18 year old got engaged for Christmas.  I guess she is getting married in September.

I really messed up Christmas this year.  Last I remember Kirstie and you were coming.  I wanted you to come so much.  Money is so short now.  We owe for 4 appliances.  Earl is dizzy today so I am making him rest.  He wants to go and cut wood.

I have very little in veins.  I have been so sick so much.  My memory is shot.  I remember coming to VA and staying with you.  We want to thank you so much.  I know we disturbed you fixing breakfast.  I am so sorry.  Kirstie sure did very well.  I am proud of her.

I found the Mormon church.  It is 20-25 miles SE of here in Lancaster.  It is brand new.  I don't smoke or drink alcohol.  I only decaff coffee or tea.  I even got it in the hospital.  Usually they give a person regular coffee.

Earl got me a Quadruple of scriptures.  It cost $35.  I like it very much.

I am starting to lose a # or 2.  I weighed in 135# in the hospital.  So I eat very little and have lost my big appetite.  I drink juice and eat small bowl of cereal.  No lunch.  Supper is meat, vegetables and sometimes salad.  Eggnog before I go to bed.  That's all.  I should lose weight.  Earl lost 15# since you saw him.  He looks good and is proud of himself.

I had a body temperature of 86 on Christmas Day and Earl couldn't wake me.  So we had no Christmas.  Christmas Eve his son and wife came over and brought wine and fruit basket.  I don't remember anything else.

Someone helped wrap me in blankets and Earl to ER.  His son met him there and stayed with Earl until I come to.

Well, honey, I will close.  Remember, I love you dearly.  Our phone #.

All my love,