This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Thursday, January 22, 1987

before Feb 20, 1987

Dear Betsy,
It was nice to get your letter.  I am sorry I haven't written you but I have been really busy moving.  I am now in the big tall new building.  It is much nicer.  People over here are really nice.  Bob and I are separated but everything is okay.  We are not divorcing.  We have a lot of problems but things can be worked out.
Onthe news last night I saw you had a lot of snow.  It is cold here but sunny.  It looks like summer except for the snow.
I play Euchre and Aggravation a lot in the community room.  I take blood pressure every Thursday.  I like all the people.  I am the youngest here.  I read books and magazines.
I am still unpacking.  I have a one bedroom apartment.  The kitchen is small but I don't need a lot of space.  My furniture is nice.  I try to keep it picked up.  My 45th birthday is soon.  My parents always go to Bill Knapps because I will get 45% off my meal and a cake.  It will be nice.
Well, I will close now because I have little news.  Sorry I haven't written.  I hope to write Kirstie tomorrow.  Are you working and going to school too?  Sorry to hear about you and Kermon.  Take care now and write me more often.  I hopeyou are feeling better.  Remember I love you and miss you very much.

All my love,