This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Tuesday, June 21, 1988

June 21, 1988

Dear Betsy,
I was going to move but if anything happens to Grandpa I'd be in low income housing again.  So I am going to have my place painted and some wall paper to cheer it up.  I had 19 boxes packed.  I figured you were in Reston for Father's Day or I would have called you.  I am going to Virginia and stay with Kirstie and Will for Christmas.  I'll get to see all of you and I am so excited.  It won't bother me to be around Dad and Alison if it doesn't bother them.  We have a good relationship.  We have three beautiful daughters and almost 2 grand babies.  I sew all the time.  I am starting a new dress and panties for Markel.  If she has a boy, I'll have to take a class.  Never sewed for a boy.  I sewed for your Dad.
Did you get the Eastern Star pin?  When I die, you get my ring.  When Grandma dies I get hers.  It is so beautiful.  They are both healthy.  We went to a beautiful $9.95 buffet on Sunday.  The stopped and bought germanium's for the graves.  They surprised me and got Bob one because he was a step-dad.  Before he got so sick he was a kind and gently man.  I would never even married him if he wasn't.  Betsy, I truly loved Bob.  We understood each other's handicaps.  My legs are hard to understand and live with.  I am learning.  Yesterday they were a mess and I went no where.  It is supposed to be 95 degrees here.  I wish it would rain and break the heat wave.
I scrubbed the bottom of my feet when they were so hot.  I had to see the Neurologist in Maumee Thursday morning.  I have to get a Dilantin blood level today.  It will ruin my legs.  I need some things from the fabric store (2 bobbins).  Did I tell you I am done with the new babies blanket.  I am almost done with Markel's darling pink dress.  It has lots of lace.  Pretty for summer. I made the panties deeper.  I bought her 3 dresses on sale.  They are adorable.
So how are you?  Working hard I am certain.  Still going to school?  I know you work hard.  How is your love life or are you too busy?
I have shortening of clothes to do and mending.  Hate that but I guess I'll have to do it.  Don't buy me a nightgown or robe.  I have all of Aunt Ida's and they are all new.  She saved her good clothes.
Wish I had your ideas on how to decorate this place.  I have them but I would value your opinion.
We haven't seen each other in years.  You are always welcome.  So come and see me.  Are you going to Virginia Beach this summer and when?  Well, I want this to go in today's mail.  I hope you are well and happy and enjoying life.  I love you, honey and I miss you so much.  Write or call.

All my love,

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