This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

So Frustrated when it seems that nobody listens to me...

Why is it that when you are trying to have a somewhat serious conversation your children decide at that time to wack out on every “manners” rule or expectation you have and try every once of your patience.  I have two boys that are 4 years apart and for some reason they love to taunt and torment each other in the name of fun and in the name of pain.  Sometimes I think it’s just to get me mad, but I know they don’t even think that far ahead about it - they are both just stubborn about getting their way that when one of them taunts the other, the other feels he has to retaliate.  We’ve had talks to each of them about not seeking revenge, etc. but it seems to always repeat.  I’m so frustrated because I feel I’ve already talked to them BOTH about this several times and yet it has made no impact, no difference, no peace in my life.  They still can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves, keep away from each other, keep out of each others personal space, etc.  You get the drift!  AWE!!!!
So, then I am told - they are just being boys...stay out of it.  I do that until I hear one or the other or both cry out (which I knew was coming anyway).  That is what gets to me the most, I think.  They set themselves up for the predicable and preventable “accident” or pain of someone going “too far”.  I’m sick of it!

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