This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Tuesday, March 16, 1982

March 16, 1982 Sally

Dear Sally,

Today was another court hearing.  The psychiatrist Sandy has wrote a letter for Garry saying Sandy should spend the rest of the school year with me and then live permanently with her dad.  Now I am just sick and Sandy is furious.  This will involve a couple more hearings.  Sandy got a blessing last night for the hearing today.  She says she will live in a foster home before she lives with Garry.  Now it is all going to cost a lot of money that I don't have.  Please pray for April 6th - please!  Sandy is happy here with me.  Why does Garry want her now.  She weighs 112# and looks good.  She got well with me.  I bet she'd get sick back with Garry.  He never buys her all this medicine.

I see the Bishop on Sunday at 2:30 to tell him everything and see if he can help.  I am going to be a Visiting Teacher too.  I hope my legs can do it.  I still read my scriptures every day.  It really does help.  I have been so weepy and depressed.  My breast are sore and I must have a hormone imbalance.  I see a doctor May 31st.  I take a lot of medicines.  Can you find Sandy some Orowheat Branola Muffins.  They are really good but none in Ohio and she loves them and they help her bowels.

Please write soon.  Tell everyone I said "HI" and to write me.


1 comment:

  1. Also included with the letter:
    Please see if you have any missionary brochures like they have at the visitor centers. Garry took my shoe box full of them. It really made me mad. They are pamphlets on tithing, prayer, true church, Joseph Smith, Bringham Young, Salt Lake Temple, family life, different groups, eternal progression, etc. I had a whole box full of BOM, Golden plates. Please try to get me some and send them to me. Thanks again. I really miss you. I would never be this lonely in CA. Please write me and inspire me to start a journal and genealogy.
