This is my mother. She left me when I was just 14 years old. I saw her a few times from teenage through the typical college years (although I didn’t have typical college years) and then she passed away before I married or had children. She was a wonderful woman that I know I would talk to her often if she were alive, but I really never got the chance.

The most current entries are things I would tell her and only her ... because they aren’t meant to be heard, just vented (if she were alive). The majority of this blog are letters she wrote to me (and a few to my sisters) during the years that we were apart.

Friday, April 10, 1981

April 10, 1981

Dear Betsy,

I was so happy to get your letter.  Please excuse this typing as I cannot write with my right hand.  I have a radial arm palsy and it is useless and unable to use it like when I broke my hand.  The doctors want to admit me to the hospital and my parents are going to Dallas to see Uncle Dick and family.  They are leaving tomorrow.  I am so proud of you and your Rainbows.  So you are going out for the office of Faith.  That is great!  I hope you get it.  You would do a good job.  I am glad that Kirstie is going to join.  The teachings are beautiful.  Were do you go to church?  What are you going to do over spring vacation?  I am glad that you babysit a lot.  I always babysat when I could and saved my money. How is my Gretchen?  I sure do miss her.  Does she miss me?  I am so glad that you liked your presents.  This is an electric typewriter and I never used one before or with my left hand.  Excuse the mistakes.  Sandy and I have bad colds.  Mine is in the throat and hers is a cough.  We have been playing canasta and Probe and sorry.  It is fun.  I am still reading Chesapeake and it is all historical and I like that.  I would some other books like Masada.  Did you see it on TV this week?  I take antibiotics all the time as I have an infected toe where the nail came off.  It will not heal.  Aunt Ida is better and bought me some medicine for my throat yesterday.  She looks good.  She does not come much.  I made whole wheat muffins the other day and put banana in them.  They are delicious.  I eat one every morning with cereal and banana.  I don't drink coffee anymore and sure do miss it.  I spend every day in a wheel chair with the legs elevated.  It is depressing and I sure miss you.  Do you get to watch "Nurse" on TV?  It is really good.  I like the "Dukes of Hazard" and "Dallas" also.  Our weather is cooler today and supposed to go to 32 degrees tonight.  It was 80 the other day.  That is hard on me when it changes so much.  I am afraid that they will have to cut my legs off.  I pray to God for a miracle every day.  I hope you are better by now.  There are so many colds going around here.  Easter is almost here.  I can't even go to church.  Sandy goes to church every week and youth group.  She has a few friends.  She doesn't want to join Rainbows.  My apartment is so drafty and hurt my feet.  It is electric heat and costs a fortune.  I sure wish we could see you soon.  I owe so many letters and can't write with my right hand.  I can't play the violin either.  I just talked to Grandma and they are both sick with colds too.  She can't remember whether she wrote you back or not.  I think she did.  Well, I am going to close this for now.  Please write back soon.  Remember that I love you and miss you so much.  Take good care of yourself for me.  God bless you.  Please say prayers for me.  I pray for you every day.  I love you.  Give my love to Kirstie.

With all my love my daughter,

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